Sunday, October 25, 2009

ARIS Scripting: Hello World

When I started to write a report in ARIS, I did not have the "Hello World" to help me out. So here is something you will need to launch ARIS report scripting.

function main()
var g_nloc = Context.getSelectedLanguage();

// *******************

var oobjects = ArisData.getSelectedObjDefs();
var oSourceModels = ArisData.getSelectedModels();
var odataBases = ArisData.getSelectedDatabases();

// *******************

var ooutfile = Context.createOutputObject(Context.getSelectedFormat(), Context.getSelectedFile());
ooutfile.Output("Hello World", "Arial", 10, Constants.C_BLACK, Constants.C_TRANSPARENT, Constants.FMT_LEFT | Constants.FMT_BOLD, 0);
ooutfile.WriteReport(Context.getSelectedPath(), Context.getSelectedFile());

Friday, October 9, 2009

IAF: Personal opinion in a few lines

After much thought on the value delivery of IAF, there 2 critical points I wish to state.

· Too costly to deploy. Needs a lot of training and not business friendly. This increases resistance and thus cost of deployment.

· Absence of a development method for the contextual abstraction layer. I guess this is where consulting comes into play. Again, a cost going back to point 1.

However on the plus, I would like to mention again 2 key points

· Finally there is light in a world of IS where there is total darkness

· Your best short towards business-IT alignment

My EA folks can argue other pros and cons, but I would love to argue how I could round up their arguments to be aligned with mine.