Monday, November 2, 2009

ARIS - IAF: Business / Business Information services objects rationalization

I have a theory. When I propose a solution, and if someone poses a question on that solution for which I do not have an answer, I deem my solution as flawed.

I am in-charge of defining and deploying IAF using ARIS in the organization I work for. A question was posed to me, as to why "Business service" and "Business information service" use different objects when both represent the service notion of same business activity, but from different aspects. In fact "BS" and its partner "BIS" also have a one to one mapping.

BS captures all aspects from the business perspective and BIS filters the same purely to an information aspect.

From an ARIS modeling point of view, I find it best to reuse the same object to capture BS and its BIS but to use different views (model type) to capture the relevant aspect's artifacts.

For example, service object name "Hunt rabbits" in model type Business service interaction model, captures interaction with other business services such as “sell rabbits” and “cut rabbits”, with inputs such as firearm, transports, roles such as hunter, butcher, vendor and so on. The same service object “Hunt rabbits", in the model type “Business information service interaction model” captures the information aspects of hunting rabbits such as season, hunter skill level, market price of rabbit meat and so on.

Any comments or am I missing something?

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